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Corazon al Sur Tango Club 5th AnniVersary Weekend

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Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
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Corazon al Sur Tango Club 5th AnniVersary Weekend

Corazon al Sur Tango Club 5th AnniVersary Weekend

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


(english below)

V Anniversario dell`Accademia Corazon al Sur Tango Club a.s.d.

12 - 13 - 14 Ottobre 2018

Salerno Italy

Venerdì 12 Ottobre

18.30 Apertura Segreteria “ C/O Corazon al Sur Tango Club “

20.00 – 21.30 Workshop

22.00 - 03.00 Milonga Dress Code: Red “ Corazon al Sur Tango Club “

DJ Lady H “ Helga Corpora “


Patricia Hilliges & Matteo Panero

Giselle Mariel Tacon & Nelson Pablo Piliu

Festeggeremo il compleanno di NERI PILIU

Sabato 13 Ottobre

10.30 Apertura segreteria “ C/O Corazon al Sur Tango Club “

11.00 – 13.00 Workshop

17.00 – 19.00 Workshop

22.00 - 03.00 Milonga di Gala “ Hotel Mediterranea “

DJ Sergio Chiavarini


Josefina Bermudez & Fabian Peralta

Yanina Quinones & Neri Piliu

Domenica 14 Ottobre

11.00 Apertura segreteria “ C/O Corazon al Sur Tango Club “

11.30 – 13.00 Workshop

16.00 – 18.00 Workshop

18.30 - 00.00 Farewell Milonga “ Corazon al Sur Tango Club “

DJ El Pituco “ Mario Bove “

Show música dal vivo e canto

Special Guest:

Guillermo Fernandez


Pacchetto 3 Milonghe serali

Full Pass Milonghe € 30

Venerdì 12 € 10

Sabato 13 € 15

Domenica 14 € 10

Costo del seminario

€ 135 a persona

€ 260 a coppia

Full Pass Milonghe + Seminario € 285 a coppia

Hotel Convenzionato

Hotel Mediterranea

Via Generale Clark, 54, 84131 Salerno SA

Tel. 089 306 6111

Causale prenotazione Hotel:

Tango Corazon al sur

Venerdì 12 Domenica 14

Sede Corazon al Sur

Via Nicola Petrosino 2, Salerno

La sala si estende su due livelli, il primo, quello principale e il secondo al piano superiore che garantisce uno spazio più ampio per le serate di maggiore affluenza, garantendo il comfort
 ottimale per ballare tutta la serata.


La sala del Corazon al Sur è decorata con "murales" dipinti a mano di grande originalità e valore artistico con volte e note tipiche della cultura argentina. La raffinatezza dei suoi dettagli
 ci proietta immediatamente nei luoghi dove ha avuto origine il tango e ci fa vivere una esperienza di ballo e di socialità unica.

Sabato 13

Sede Hotel Mediterranea

Via Generale Clark, 54

l Mediterranea Hotel è un complesso alberghiero completamente rinnovato che sorge sul lungomare di Salerno in una posizione strategica, a 5 km dal centro storico della città, dalla stazione
 ferroviaria e dal porto turistico.

La Costiera Amalfitana, gli scavi archeologici di Pompei e di Paestum sono facilmente raggiungibili in auto o con i mezzi pubblici.

A disposizione degli ospiti un ampio parcheggio gratuito, un roof garden panoramico con vista su tutto il Golfo di Salerno, un rinomato ristorante che serve specialità della cucina mediterranea
 , un lounge bar dove poter sorseggiare un ottimo drink.


Il seminario e’ a numero chiuso e comprende 9 H di studio per un max di 15 coppie


Dalle ore 20:00 alle 21:30



Dalle ore 11:00 alle 13:00 Secuencias en giros

Dalle ore 17:00 alle 19:00 Secuencias en desplazamiento


Dalle ore 11:30 alle 13:00 Milonga

Dalle ore 16:00 alle 18:00 Figuras Legendarias

------- ENGLISH ---------------

Fifth Anniversary of the Corazon al Sur Tango Club a.s.d.

12 - 13 - 14 october 2018

Salerno Italy

Friday 12th

h. 18.30 registration desk opens at Corazon al Sur Tango Club

h. 20.00 - 21.30 Workshop

h. 22.00 - 03.00 Milonga Dress Code Red at “Corazon al Sur Tango Club”

Dj Lady H “Helga Corpora”


Patricia Hilliges & Matteo Panaro

Giselle Tacon & Nelson Piliu

We Celebrate NERI PILIU`S birthday

Saturday 13th

h. 10.30 Registration Desk opens at “Corazon al Sur Tango Club”

h. 11.30 - 13.00 Workshop

h. 17.00 - 19.00 Workshop

22.00 - 03.00 Gala Milonga at “Hotel Mediterranea”

Dj Sergio Chiaverini


Josefina Bermudez & Fabian Peralta

Yanina Quinones & Neri Piliu

Sunday 14th

h. 11.00 registration desk opens at “Corazon al Sur Tango Club”

h. 11.30 - 13.00 Workshop

h. 16.00 - 18.00 Workshop

h. 18.30 - 00.00 Farewell Milonga at “Corazon al Sur Tango Club”

Dj El Pituco “Mario Bove”

Show: Singer & live music

Special Guest:

Guillermo Fernandez

- Milonga Prices

Full Pass Milonga 30€

Friday 12th 10€

Saturday 13th 15€

Sunday 14th 10€

- Workshop Pass

135€ per person

260€ per couple

- Full Milonga Pass + Workshop 285€ per couple

- Hotel

Hotel Mediterranea

Via Generale Clark, 54, 84131, Salerno

Tel. 089 306 6111

When booking please specify: Tango Corazon al Sur

- Milonga

Friday 12th & Sunday 14th

Corazon al Sur Tango Club

Via N. Petrosino, 2 Salerno

We offer two separate dance floors on two levels, which guarantees enough space for popular events, ensuring optimal comfort to dance all night long.


The walls of Corazon al Sur are decorated with unique hand-made murals of great artistic value with traditional ornaments typical for the Argentinian culture. Their refined details immediately
 transport us into the place where tango was born and allow us to enjoy this unique dance and social experience.

Saturday 15th

Hotel Mediterranea

Via Gen. Clark, 54

Mediterranea Hotel is a newly renovated hotel complex located at the seafront of Salerno in a strategic position, 5 km from the historic city center, the train station and the marina.

The Amalfi Coast, the archaeological excavations of Pompeii and Paestum are easily accessible by car or public transport. Guests have access to a large free car park, a panoramic roof
 garden with a view over the Gulf of Salerno, a renowned restaurant serving Mediterranean cuisine, and a lounge bar where you can enjoy a drink.


Registration for the workshop is limited to the maximum of 15 couples and includes 9 hours of study.


from 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm



from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Sequences with giros

from 5.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Sequences with displacement


from 11:30 to 13:00


From 16:00 to 18:00

Famous figures


  • Location:
    Via Nicola Petrosino, 2, Salerno, Province of Salerno, Italy (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Friday, 12 October 2018 - To: Sunday, 14 October 2018
    Via Nicola Petrosino, 2, Salerno, Province of Salerno, Italy (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Friday, 12 October 2018
    Event Ends: Sunday, 14 October 2018
  • Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    30 EUR - Euro Member Countries
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    30 EUR - Euro Member Countries
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Wednesday, 01 August 2018
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Wednesday, 01 August 2018
  • Fabian Peralta
    Josefina Bermudez
    Neri Piliu
    Yanina Quiñones
    Fabian Peralta
    Josefina Bermudez
    Neri Piliu
    Yanina Quiñones
  • Accommodation:
  • Website
    Register Now
    Register Now
Read 16911 times Last modified on Thursday, 16 August 2018 11:31



Via Nicola Petrosino, 2, Salerno, Province of Salerno, Italy Pin icons from Medialoot


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