About us

Welcome to Tangopolix! We are a marketing and event management platform dedicated to empowering the global tango community to discover and register for tango events easily. Through our website, mobile app and services we enable tangueros all over the world to publish, manage, search for and enrol in tango festivals, tango marathons, encuentros milongueros, seminars, workshops, and any type of event related to tango.
Why Tangopolix?
Technology has become a major enabler in our lives. It helps us navigate where we go, it reminds us of the things we need to do, it keeps us connected with our loved ones, it allows us to go shopping or pay our bills without leaving home, it helps us find the cheapest hotel or flight in no time, etc.
The result of all this is that we get back a lot of our precious time and it improves our quality of life.
Tangopolix puts technology at the service of the global tango community.
Thanks to Tangopolix tangueros all over the world have access to the most comprehensive and modern directory of tango events, which is publicly available and completely free. Our tango events’ database is fully categorised and benefits from a very powerful search engine which allows tango aficionados to easily filter events by category, countries, starting date, professional dancers, tags, registration dates and services.
Specially designed for tango events
We have a vast experience participating and organising tango events and are well aware of the frustrations and difficulties that both participants and organisers face when dealing with registrations, payments and access control. For that reason we have married up our software development “know-how” with our tango experience and have come up with a suite of software tools that provide a best in class solution to these common problems.
By offering our services to the tango community we democratise access to these best practises regardless of whether events are big or small, are organised by professionals or amateurs, organisers have computer skills or not, or there is a big or small budget. This way event organisers greatly benefit from the principle of “The Shared Economy”. In other words, they benefit from the best existing solution at the most affordable price by only providing a small contribution towards the platform as opposed to assuming the full cost of investing in dedicated and expensive software.
Overall, Tangopolix is here to help the global tango community keep growing and spend more time dancing tango instead of dealing with problems and worries for which we already have available solutions.
Tangopolix is made by milongueros for milongueros.
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