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Maratoncito Querido Tango Bilbao

Good dancing, good food, good moments - Welcome to tango marathon Bilbao
Organised by:


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 1 votes

Total Score

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Maratoncito Querido Tango Bilbao

Maratoncito Querido Tango Bilbao

Good dancing, good food, good moments - Welcome to tango marathon Bilbao
Good dancing, good food, good moments - Welcome to tango marathon Bilbao
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


We want to bring good tango dancers from all over Europe to our beautiful corner just outside of Bilbao, to embrace, laugh, eat, drink and go home with aching feet and happy hearts.

We will be providing an expansive wooden floor and full menu of international DJs to keep us dancing at all hours and enough of the Basque Country's famous food and wine to keep us going all weekend.

We are gender balanced and have limited tickets available for followers and leaders separately.

Join us! Register now on Tangopolix!

DJ line-up:

Mikel Rodriguez (Spain), Gabriel Sodini (Argentina), TDJ Jaak (Belgium), Damian Desmaras (Argentina), Enrique Ramirez (Mexico), Borja Alcalde (Spain)


Queremos traer a buenos tangueros de todo Europa a nuestro hermoso rincón de Bilbao a abrazarnos, reir, comer, beber y volver a casa con los pies doloridos y los corazones alegres.

Brindamos un piso de madera grande y un menu completo de DJs internacionales para mantenernos bailando a todas horas y suficientemente de la famosa comida y vino del Pais Vasco para que sigamos todo el fin de semana. 

Unéte! Inscríbete ahora!


  • Location:
    48610, Urdúliz, Spain (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Friday, 21 September 2018 - To: Sunday, 23 September 2018
    48610, Urdúliz, Spain (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Friday, 21 September 2018
    Event Ends: Sunday, 23 September 2018
  • Number of Participants:
    180 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    83 EUR - Euro Member Countries
    Number of Participants:
    180 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    83 EUR - Euro Member Countries
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Tuesday, 01 May 2018
    Registration Closes:
    Wednesday, 19 September 2018
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Tuesday, 01 May 2018
    Registration Closes:
    Wednesday, 19 September 2018
  • Accommodation:
Read 18139 times Last modified on Friday, 18 May 2018 18:20


Querido Tango

Borja Alcalde and Christina Gomez run Querido Tango school in Bilbao, Spain. Our school is new, young and friendly. We organise regular milongas and classes in the area with the aim of growing the community of tango dancers in the area. We also organise Festivalito Querido Tango in February each year, with the help of our friends and helpers. We travel a lot around Europe to different events and love getting to know new dancers and new cultures, so let us know about yours! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


48610, Urdúliz, Spain Pin icons from Medialoot


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