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Midsummer tango weekend

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Midsummer tango weekend

Midsummer tango weekend

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


(English below)

Välkommen till den sjunde upplagan av Midsommartango weekend 2019!

Sugen på att dansa tango under Midsommar men vill inte bryta traditionen?
Kom till oss!

Vi inleder midsommarhelgen fredag 21/6 med en gemensam lunch vid 12.30 och firar Midsommar tillsammans med byborna från närliggande byar vid 14.00.

Kom och dansa hela weekenden 21/6 - 23/6!
Vi har satt ihop följande paket:
2 eftermiddags-, 2 kvälls-, och en brunchmilonga.
Måltider och fika (Alkoholfri)
Frukost x 2
Lunch x 2
Middag x 2
Boende på Lunnevads vandrarhem.
Allt detta för endast 1799 kr

Det kommer även att finnas möjlighet att komma till enbart milongorna.
Milongapass (5 milongor): 600 kr
Eftermiddagsmilongor: 100 kr
Kvällsmilongor: 200 kr

Musiken kommer vara traditional tango i tandas med cortinas, och superbra DJ:
Graciela Loscalzo, Västerås Sweden
Berit Eklund, Stockholm Sweden
Eva-Lena Ahlberg, Sjögestad Sweden
Hans Peter Salzer, Ravensburg Germany
Lilian Strömberg, Östersund Sweden
Dans på Rosor kommer som vanligt vara på plats under helgen med försäljning av tangoskor.

Welcome to the 7th edition of Midsummer tango weekend 2019.

Swedish midsummer celebration including lunch at friday 12.30 and we join (for those who would like) about 14.00 in traditional celebration at Lunnevad midsummer event until 15.30.

What will you get during the weekend june 21 juni - june 23?
2 afternoon, 2 night, and a brunch milonga.
Food, Swedish "Fika".
Breakfast x 2
Lunch x 2
Dinner x 2
Accommodation at Lunnevad boarding school.
All this for the unbeatable price of 1799 SEK

It also will be able to participate only at the milongas.
Milonga pass (5 milonga) including Swedish "Fika" 600 SEK
Afternoon milonga including Swedish "Fika", 100 SEK
Night milonga including Swedish "Fika", 200 SEK

The music will be all traditional tango in tandas with cortinas, with good DJs:
Graciela Loscalzo, Västerås Sweden
Berit Eklund, Stockholm Sweden
Eva-Lena Ahlberg, Sjögestad Sweden
Hans Peter Salzer, Ravensburg Germany
Lilian Strömberg, Östersund Sweden

Dans på Rosor will as usual be present during the weekend with the best tango shoes for you to see and buy.


  • Location:
    Vikingstad, Sweden
    Event dates:
    From: Friday, 21 June 2019 - To: Sunday, 23 June 2019
    Vikingstad, Sweden
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Friday, 21 June 2019
    Event Ends: Sunday, 23 June 2019
Read 5462 times


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