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Tango seminar No 4 maestro Julio Marino

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Tango seminar No 4 maestro Julio Marino

Tango seminar No 4 maestro Julio Marino

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Tango plesači i plesačice,
od 1 do 6. novembra 2017. nam opet dolazi u goste maestro Julio Mariño. Svoj portenjo duh i argentinsku tehniku preneće nam po četvrti put kroz seminar od 6 radionica od po 90 minuta, raspoređenih po istom principu kao i poslednji put: subota, nedelja i ponedeljak po dve radionice. Akcenat će biti na kreiranju i dekomponovanju figura, njihovom povezivanju i tango tehnici koja je primenjiva za sve nivoe plesa.

1, 2 - na prvoj i drugoj radionici radiće se detaljna analiza kompozicije figura, kako ih podeliti na delove i kako zamenjivati delove u bilo kom trenutku. Time je postignuta osnova za improvizaciju, kao i kreiranje potpuno novih figura u toku plesa.
descompition of figures:

3- Oćo milongero:
Ovu veoma korisnu kombinaciju moguće je izvesti sa raznim ukrasima i učiniti je posebnom svaki put. Akcenat će biti na ukrasin+ma, igrivosti i svakako muzikalnosti.

Na nekoliko primera biće otkrivena mogućnost vezivanja niza istih figura kao i principi po kojima je samostalno moguće kreirati svoje sopstvene kadene (lance)

5- Milonga:
Fokus je na muzikalnosti i kontroli brzine plesa koristeći običan korak (milonga lisa) i odbitak (milonga con transpie)

6- Colgade:
Ove veoma interesantne i fluidne kombinacije moguće je veoma efektno izvesti, kako na većem, tako i na manjem prostoru. U ovoj radionici fokus će biti na formiranju zajedničke ose sa partnerom i generisanju različitih pokreta iz tog odnosa.

Cena celog seminara je 60 EUR. Cena jedne radionice je 15 EUR, dve 25 EUR, tri 35 EUR, četiri 45 EUR, pet 55 EUR.

1, 2 - decompition of figures:
This two seminar we will analize in depth how to compose figures and how to breack them in parts to change them at any moment. This will be the base of the imporvization leting us to create new figures and also to change them during the dance.

3- Ochos milongueros:
This super useful figure can be made with different adornaments to make it special every time. We will work on this figure from the leadding-answer changing the adornaments to make it playful and musical.

we will see some figures that we can reapeat in a permanet bucle, and we will create some ourself using the tools of the previous workshops.

5- Milonga:
We will focus on how to use the music to be able to control the speed of our dance, using the simple time and the traspié.

6- Colgadas:
Colgadas are very interesting a fluid movements, which are useful for making great figures in small space. In this workshop you will be challenged to share the same axis with your partner and to generate diferent movements from there.


  • Location:
    Belgrade, Serbia
    Event dates:
    From: Saturday, 04 November 2017 - To: Monday, 06 November 2017
    Belgrade, Serbia
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Saturday, 04 November 2017
    Event Ends: Monday, 06 November 2017
Read 5528 times


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