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Tango Intensive Weekends by Hernan Che and Natalia Orlova

Promoted by Tangopolix



Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Maestros ( technique, teaching skills ): 50% - 1 votes
Communication ( language, translations): 50% - 1 votes
Participants ( dancing level, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Tango Intensive Weekends by Hernan Che and Natalia Orlova

Tango Intensive Weekends by Hernan Che and Natalia Orlova

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Bold, elegant, sensual, intellectual, delicate, expressive, mystical Argentine tango adds a perfect spark to your busy life. For more than a century tango salons provide a natural milieu for social networking, looking for love and chilling out with style.

Tango culture is a world in itself, with its own secrets and challenges. Luckily, a true Argentine tanguero and the hostess of Kiev's finest monthly milonga are there for you.

Fridays, 19:00 – 20:30. Solo technique & style with Natalia

Saturdays, 17:15 – 18:45. Beginner class
Saturdays, 18:45 – 20:15. Moderated practica

Sundays, 13:00 – 14:30. Beginner class
Sundays, 14:30 – 16:00. Solo technique & style with Hernán
Sundays, 16:00 – 17:30. Tango escenario workshops

Once you are on board, we also guide you to city milongas. Explore the intricacies of tango codes, enjoying the festive and flirtatious atmosphere of social tango dancing.

Where else can you fulfil your skill?

● At milongas worldwide. Tango is an international clan embracing you wherever you are.

● At tango festivals and marathons. Dance till you drop – with new friends, to live orchestras, after master classes and sightseeing, at palaces and hangars, in the parks and in the squares, on the beach or on the boat, in a salt mine or in the middle of a desert by torchlight!

● At family or business parties. Star in a choreography that we’ll stage according to your abilities.

● Wherever you have a few square feet of smooth surface (in the kitchen, on the roof, stranded at an airport, you name it).

● In Buenos Aires! We organize 2- and 4-week trips to the cradle of tango in November and in March, including:
- cheap return flights
- accommodation at an apartment house with individual kitchens and a grill terrace
- guided tours around historic tango streets and venues
- minigroup classes by world-famous maestros
- optional excursions to Montevideo and Iguazú
- wining, dining, dancing to abandon at the best milongas of the day.

Every mastery takes a lifetime. What can one learn in just 2 months?

- Listening to your own and your partner’s body.
- Hearing the music, anticipating its flow and dancing your emotions.
- Leading, following and indulging in it.
- Improvising with some simple steps among other couples.
- Dancing tango, tango vals and tango milonga with character.

A dance is often compared to a language. Steps = vocabulary, technique = grammar and pronunciation, navigation = fostering, musicality = literary style, and all this is filled with sense by our life experience and the moment’s mood. With time, you learn to “compose poems” and “sparkle with wit”. Let’s make a nice and easy start with “small talk” :)

If you don’t have a partner, there are three solutions:
- Tell us your height without heels, as you register by phone or message. We’ll find you a partner from among more experienced students.
- Opt for private lessons with Hernán and/or Natalia.
- Subscribe for a course of solo technique and style, where you learn to master your own body as well as to explore both the leader's and the follower's roles.


  • Location:
    Kyiv, Ukraine
    Event dates:
    From: Friday, 08 September 2017 - To: Sunday, 17 September 2017
    Kyiv, Ukraine
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Friday, 08 September 2017
    Event Ends: Sunday, 17 September 2017
Read 4895 times


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