Lorena Tarantino and Gianpiero Galdi ws Budapest
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Lorena Tarantino and Gianpiero Galdi ws Budapest
Lorena Tarantino and Gianpiero Galdi ws Budapest
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Gianpiero & Lorena újra Budapesten!
Az október 23-ai hosszú hétvége utolsó két napján,
október 22-én hétfőn és 23-án kedden, a Factory-ben tartanak intenzív workshopot.
Előtte, vasárnap este fellépnek a Noches de Hungría tangó maraton afterpartiján.
Részletek hamarosan.
október 22, hétfő
14.00 - 15.30 WS01
15.45 - 17.15 WS02
17.45 - 19.15 WS03
21.00 - 02.00 milonga Factory
október 23, kedd
14.00 - 15.30 WS01
15.45 - 17.15 WS02
17.45 - 19.15 WS03
----------------------------- ENGLISH -------------------------
Gianpiero & Lorena in Budapest!
October 22-23 is a Holiday in Hungary.
The week-end before is the week-end of Noches de Hungría tango marathon, so this time the classes will be on Monday and Tuesday.
It's a great opportunity to take some holidays and stay a couple of days in Budapest.
More information coming soon.
Monday, the 22th of October,
14.00 - 15.30 WS01
15.45 - 17.15 WS02
17.45 - 19.15 WS03
21.00 - 02.00 milonga Factory
Tuesday, the 23th of October
14.00 - 15.30 WS01
15.45 - 17.15 WS02
17.45 - 19.15 WS03
- Location:
- Budapest, Hungary
- Event dates:
- From: Monday, 22 October 2018 - To: Tuesday, 23 October 2018
- Location:
- Budapest, Hungary
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Monday, 22 October 2018
- Event Ends: Tuesday, 23 October 2018