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Porto Tango Marathon 2021

Organised by:


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

Total Score

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Porto Tango Marathon 2021

Porto Tango Marathon 2021

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


You are welcome to

Porto Tango Marathon on January 2021

From 20.00h of January 14th till 04.00h of January 18th you'll have:

​- 50 hours of classic tango music by our DJs team and two bands of live music:

- Beltango Quinteto and another to be announced

- A wooden floor in a beautiful ballroom in the center of Porto.​

- Tea/coffee/water/sweets/fruits/snacks all the time 
  Soup and cakes between 01.00h and 02.00h every night​

- Followers / Leaders balance

Porto Tango Marathon 2021 program Thursday, 14th January​ Creditation starts at 18:00h​

Warming Up Milonga - 20:00h till 04:00h ​

DJs: 20:00h 24:00h António Alberto, 00:00h - 04:00h Carmen Villafuerte

Friday,15th January

Non stop milonga - 14:00h - 04:00h 

DJs: 14:00h - 21:00h Paola Nocitango, 21:00h - 04:00h Jonas Maria​

Band B.......................  will play at 18:00h

Beltango Quinteto will play at 24:00h 

Saturday, 16th January

Non stop milonga - 14:00h - 04:00h​

       DJs: 14:00h - 18:00h Carmen Villafuerte, 18:00h - 21:00 Jorge Vacca, 21:00h - 04:00h Paola Nocitango​

Band B ...................... will play at 18:00h, Beltango Quinteto will play at 24:00h​

Sunday, 17th January​

Non stop milonga - 14:00h – 04 :00h 

DJs: 14:00h - 21:00h Jonas Maria, 21:00h - 04:00h Jorge Vacca

Band B.......................will play 18:00 Beltango Quinteto will play 24:00h


Monday, 18th January

   As option, there will be an after party milonga Monday 18, not included in the marathon fee, from 21:00h till 02:00h.

DJ: Afonso Duarte

Sunday from 22:00h on, Thursday and Monday milongas are opened to the public – Tickets: 5,00€ 


Seja bem vindo ao

Porto Tango Marathon em Janeiro de 2021

Das 20:00h do dia 14de Janeiro às 04:00h do dia 17 de Janeiro você terá:​

- 50 horas de tango clássico pela nossa equipe de DJ's e duas bandas de música ao vivo:

   Beltango Quinteto e outra a anunciar

​- Um soalho de madeira num belo salão de baile no centro do Porto.

- Chá / café / água / doces / frutas / lanches o tempo todo
  Sopa e bolos entre 01:00 e 02:00 todas as noites

- Equilíbrio de seguidores / líderes

Programa Porto Tango Marathon 

Quinta-feira 14 de Janeiro Acreditação a partir das 18:00h​

Milonga de Abertura 20.00h - 04:00h 

DJs: 20:00h - 24:00h António Alberto, 00.00h - 04.00 Carmen Villafuerte

Sexta-feira 15 de Janeiro DJs: 14:00 - 21:00h Paola Nocitango,  21:00h - 04:00 Jonas Maria Banda .......................... actuará ás 18:00h Beltango Quinteto actuará ás  24:00h Sábado 16 de Janeiro        DJs: 14;00h - 18:00h Carmen Villafuerte, 18:00h - 21h Jorge Vacca, 21.00h - 04:00h Paola Nocitango Banda ........................ actuará ás 18:00h Beltango Quinteto actuará ás 24:00h

Domingo 17 de Janeiro

DJs: 14:00h - 21:00h Jonas Maria, 21:00h 04:00h Jorge Vacca​

Banda .................... Actuará ás 18:00h Beltango Quinteto actuará ás 24:00h


Segunda-feira 18 de Janeiro

Como opção haverá uma After Party Milonga, não incluída na maratona, das 21:00h - 02:00h, DJ: Afonso Duarte

Domingo a partir das 22:00h, Quinta e Segunda (after party),  as milongas serão abertas ao público – bilhetes: 5,00€ 


  • Location:
    Rua de Passos Manuel 40, Porto, Portugal (view map)
    Event dates:
    From: Thursday, 14 January 2021 - To: Monday, 18 January 2021
    Rua de Passos Manuel 40, Porto, Portugal (view map)
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Thursday, 14 January 2021
    Event Ends: Monday, 18 January 2021
  • Number of Participants:
    200 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    100.00 EUR - Euro Member Countries
    Number of Participants:
    200 dancers
    Milonguero Ticket Price - Includes all milongas:
    100.00 EUR - Euro Member Countries
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Saturday, 01 August 2020
    Registration Closes:
    Sunday, 10 January 2021
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - No tickets at the door
    Registration Opens:
    Saturday, 01 August 2020
    Registration Closes:
    Sunday, 10 January 2021
  • Accommodation:
Read 11942 times Last modified on Monday, 28 December 2020 01:15



Rua de Passos Manuel 40, Porto, Portugal Pin icons from Medialoot


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