Your next tango

adventure starts here!

El Fuego Marathon

Autumn Edition
Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 48.5% - 4 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 58.75% - 4 votes
Music & DJs: 49.5% - 4 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 60.75% - 4 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 2 votes

Total Score

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El Fuego Marathon

El Fuego Marathon

Autumn Edition
Autumn Edition
54 out of 100 with 16 ratings


Dear friends from all over the world! Get ready for the next El Fuego. Warsaw is waiting for you.
Save the date: 27-31.10.2016 for the warmest tango marathon in Poland!

What will be prepared for you :

- three days full of tango with pre-milonga and after party milonga,
- international DJ’s, their love and passion for music which will make you fly!
- tango dancers from all over the world,
- 50/50 gender balance,
- live music on Saturday night!
- Polish hospitality, friendliness and openness,
- delicious food during the event,
- outstanding location and more than 400m2 of wooden dance floor!
- excellent sound system,
- air-conditioned dancehall.

Detailed schedule dj’s, orchestra, attractions and registration date will be announced very soon. Stay tuned!

El Fuego Team


  • Location:
    Warsaw, Poland
    Event dates:
    From: Thursday, 27 October 2016 - To: Sunday, 30 October 2016
    Warsaw, Poland
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Thursday, 27 October 2016
    Event Ends: Sunday, 30 October 2016
Read 4234 times


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