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Tango Chilango Festival BootCamp

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Tango Chilango Festival BootCamp

Tango Chilango Festival BootCamp

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


3rd TANGO CHILANGO Festival & Bootcamp. by Tango Brigante
MARCH 15th-19th / 2017 IN MEXICO CITY.

Luciano Brigante & Alejandra Orozco
Ney Melo & Marika Landry

Mike Shirobokov
Miguel Garcia
Chema Pandal

(Para español ve abajo)

Improve your tango like never before, meet the local dancers, fall in love with this vibrant culture and get your senses ready for an experience full of magic, color and warmth.

This year: new activities, more lessons, more milongas, new great hotel, invited artist from Argentina and Mexico, and much more!! Dont miss it!

We will have an intensive 5 DAYS OF:

-Boot camp With the masters (19 hours of intensive workshops)
- 5 Milongas- at the hotel and visit to local milongas too!!
- 2 guided practicas
- 2 Tango Lectures
- Sightseeing in the most beautiful places in Mexico city.(this year, we will include,
Historical Downtown, Pyramids of Teohtihuacán, Coyoacan and Frida Kahlo`s house,
San Angel and Zona Rosa)
- 5 Culinary experiences of our favorite chefs.
- Tango Shows, tango shoes and clothing vendors!!
-Reduced groups and personalized attention during the whole bootcamp. Space is limited!!!

Hotel Geneve Mexico City
"The most legendary hotel in the city, Elegance, art and good service are attributes that the hotel has kept in its 108 years"
(Lessons will be held in the hotel)
Its architecture and interior appearance evokes the classical European style. Our guests, while strolling the hotel, will discover interesting antiques and works of art that have been part of the history of this unique “museum hotel”. Staying at the Hotel Geneve is reminiscent of days gone by combined with all the comforts of today with a great vision towards the future.
Located in the heart of the Pink Zone, and just a few steps from one of the most beautiful boulevard of the country, Paseo de la Reforma, and a short distance from shopping and business centers, as well as restaurants, bars, museums, theaters and the Historic District of the city.
Location is superb and Lessons will be held in the hotel, also the private transportation to the other activities will be leaving and arriving always from this point.

PACKAGES: taxes and payments fee included.

(early bird discount before before Jan 16th!!!)


Tango Chilango boot camp full pass to all activities, PLUS hotel 5 nights:

Double room* occupancy 5 nights: 659 usd per person * Shared room

In single room occupancy 5 Nights: 841 usd per person

Includes 5 nights in a the hotel with breakfast, taxes and tips, all the lessons, milongas, practicas, lectures, performances and live music, five culinary experiences ,all the sightseeing activities, private transportation to all the events, snacks and fresh beverages during lessons.


Tango Chilango boot camp full pass to all activities PLUS two hours of private lessons with Luciano and Alejandra and Hotel

Upgrade from Platinum adding 2 Private lessons total 2 hours with Luciano and Alejandra. at 90 USD each - Saving up to 50 . Only 4 upgrades available for the hole bootcamp - Apply only for one person or one couple)
Upgrade now : Add 2 hours of private lessons with Luciano and Alejandra.....................................................180 U$D TAX INCLUDED

Do you need a partner?
The boot camp was designed for couples who want to work intensively in their tango, if you are planning to come alone let us know so we can find you the option of a taxi dancer.
We have Taxi dancers available for leaders and followers.



Mini- Festival de Tango y Bailes de Salón en México Distrito Federal. Del 8 al 13 de Marzo.

Clases Intensivas - Milongas - Orquestas de Tango y conferencias con artistas invitados desde argentina y méxico - Recorridos turísticos elegidos por Luciano & Alejandra - Experiencias culinarias deliciosas - Visita a los lugares mas representativos de la mágica ciudad de México y conoce tangueros de otras partes del mundo.

Maestros de Tango y Directores del evento:
Luciano Brigante & Alejandra Orozco
Maestros invitados:
Ney Melo & Marika Landry

-Boot camp con los maestros (19 horas intensivas de workshops)
- 5 Milongas- en el hotel sede y visita a milongas locales!!
- 2 practicas guiadas
- Visita a lugares turisticos del DF, Zocala, Bellas Artes, Piràmides de Tehotihhuacan, Coyoacan, San Angel y màs)
- 5 experiencias Culinarias con nuestros chefs favoritos.
- Tango Shows, ropa y zapatos de tango para comprar!!
-Grupos reducidos ya tenciòn personalizada durante las clases. Espacio es limitado!


Si vienes fuera del DF, podrás hospedarte en el hotel Geneve de la Zona Rosa, donde serán la mayoria de los eventos y clases. Tambien es posible solo asisitir a las actividades sin hospedaje.


Tenemos PROMOCIONES ESPECIALES para mexicanos y residentes en lationamerica ¡pregunta por ellas!
y ademàs hay extra precios de promoción por registro temprano!

Aparten la fecha!!!!!


  • Location:
    Mexico City, Mexico
    Event dates:
    From: Wednesday, 15 March 2017 - To: Sunday, 19 March 2017
    Mexico City, Mexico
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Wednesday, 15 March 2017
    Event Ends: Sunday, 19 March 2017
  • Ney Melo
    Ney Melo
Read 3663 times


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