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Lodz Tango Salon Festival

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 38% - 5 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 51% - 5 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 65.2% - 5 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 49.6% - 5 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

Total Score

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Lodz Tango Salon Festival

Lodz Tango Salon Festival

51 out of 100 with 20 ratings


*Wersja polska poniżej!*

Yes, it's coming again! Łódź Tango Salon Festival - since 2011, the best quality tango in the coolest Polish city!

For the 8th time, we bring you: round-the-clock milongas, hours of tango classes, concerts, hand-picked DJs with impeccable taste and a line-up of incredible maestros - international tango salón champions.

Sebastián Achával / Roxana Suárez
Fabián Peralta / Josefina Bermúdez Ávila
Juan Martín Carrara / Stefanía Colina
José Luis Gonzaléz / Paulina Cazabon Goméz

*Ariel Ardit* & Solo Tango Orquesta

* Olga Agapova
* Yuriy Cherenkov
* Benjamin Lee
* Olga Makhno
* Gabriela Ioana Manea
* Ralph Nasi
* Karolina Tkaczuk
* Jenni Valli
* Ewa Zbrzeska

*Michael Lavocah* - Tango Stories


Tak, to znowu my! Łódź Tango Salon Festival - nieprzerwanie od roku 2011, tango najwyższej jakości w najfajniejszym polskim mieście!

Po raz ósmy zapewniamy: milongi przez niemal całą dobę, szeroki wybór warsztatów tanga, koncerty, starannie dobranych DJ-ów z doskonałym gustem oraz niesamowitych maestros - międzynarodowych mistrzów tanga salon.

Sebastián Achával / Roxana Suárez
Fabián Peralta / Josefina Bermúdez Ávila
Juan Martín Carrara / Stefanía Colina
José Luis Gonzaléz / Paulina Cazabon Goméz

*Ariel Ardit* & Solo Tango Orquesta

* Olga Agapova
* Yuriy Cherenkov
* Benjamin Lee
* Olga Makhno
* Gabriela Ioana Manea
* Ralph Nasi
* Karolina Tkaczuk
* Jenni Valli
* Ewa Zbrzeska

*Michael Lavocah* - Tango Stories


  • Location:
    Łódź, Poland
    Event dates:
    From: Wednesday, 26 September 2018 - To: Monday, 01 October 2018
    Łódź, Poland
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Wednesday, 26 September 2018
    Event Ends: Monday, 01 October 2018
  • Fabian Peralta
    Josefina Bermudez
    Juan Martin Carrara
    Roxana Suarez
    Sebastian Achaval
    Stefania Colina
    Jose Luis Gonzalez
    Paulina Cazabon
    Fabian Peralta
    Josefina Bermudez
    Juan Martin Carrara
    Roxana Suarez
    Sebastian Achaval
    Stefania Colina
    Jose Luis Gonzalez
    Paulina Cazabon
Read 8215 times


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