Lo de Silvia Tango Festival Tel Aviv 23 - 26 MAY 2018
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Lo de Silvia Tango Festival Tel Aviv 23 - 26 MAY 2018
Lo de Silvia Tango Festival Tel Aviv 23 - 26 MAY 2018
We invite you to Tel Aviv in spring, the most beautiful and pleasant period in the Holy Land, to spend four days of learning with some of the most famous maestros in the world, who represent three generations in Tango, as well as to enjoy practices with local and foreign dancers, milongas, excellent international DJ's and live music, shows. All these within warm atmosphere, beautiful beaches, Mediterranean food, and historical places.
An enriching, exciting, joyful, sensual and inspiring experience awaits you.
Nito & Elba (Juan Aurelio García and Elba Natalia Sottile)
Analía Vega & Marcelo Varela
Magdalena Gutierrez & Germán Ballejo
Demoliendo Tangos by Federico Mizrahi
To be announced
Soon all details
Stay tuned for more updates on our site: http://lodesilvia.com
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- Location:
- Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel (view map)
- Event dates:
- From: Wednesday, 23 May 2018 - To: Saturday, 26 May 2018
- Location:
- Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel (view map)
- Event dates:
- Event Starts: Wednesday, 23 May 2018
- Event Ends: Saturday, 26 May 2018
- Number of Participants:
- 300 dancers
- Number of Participants:
- 300 dancers
- Analia VegaElba GarciaMagdalena GutierrezNito GarciaMarcelo VarelaGerman BallejoAnalia VegaElba GarciaMagdalena GutierrezNito GarciaMarcelo VarelaGerman Ballejo
- Website
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