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Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
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50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Italiano/ English

Sulla stupenda spiaggia di Marina di Campo , ci ritroveremo ancora una volta a ballare il tango , in un atmosfera magica , con tanti amici , in un unico abbraccio.........
Alcune informazioni utili.....
1)Bus xL'Elba A/R da Firenze ,Milano ,Pisa Aereoporto, Roma Fiumicino, Roma Tiburtina.

2) 24 strutture alberghiere convenzionate da prenotarsi direttamente presso la struttura stessa .
Esempi: monolocale 3 persone per una sett. a 100 metri dalla spiaggia € 550
Camera singola con colazione € 50 a notte
In Camera doppia con colazione € 41 a notte a persona
Camera tripla con colazione € 37 a notte a persona
Camera doppia in mezza pensione € 68 a notte a persona.

3) voli diretti per Marina di Campo da: Pisa , Milano , Firenze,Lugano,Zurich, Hamburg,Berlin,Dusserldorf ,München ,Colonia, Berna,Friedrichshafen .

4) Full pass Milonghe 7 giorni 7 notti € 115
Ingresso Milonghe giorno / notte € 20
Ingresso Milonghe solo serale dalle ore 21.00 € 15

5) 2 piste sulla spiaggia per 800 mq
1 pista di tango contemporaneo
1 pista di tango classico

6) seminari di tango

7) 4 classi di tecnica femminile e maschile gratuite
4 classi di pilates e risveglio muscolare gratuite

8) orchestra Tango Sonos

9) DJ Coos/ DJ Elio Astor/DJ Susy/ DJ Horacio Quota/DJ El Pablo/ DJ El Actor/ DJ Paris/DJ Boncoraglio/ DJ Paolo/ DJ Gustavo Ros.

On the beautiful beach of Marina di Campo, we find ourselves once again to dance the tango, in a magical atmosphere, with many friends, in a single embrace .........
Some information .....
1) Bus to Elba island / from Florence, Milan, Pisa Airport, Rome Fiumicino, Rome Tiburtina.

2) 24 partners hotels than you can book directly;
Examples: studio for 3 people for a week, 100 meters from the beach.. € 550,00
Single room with breakfast.. € 50,00 per night
In Double room with breakfast.. € 41 a night per person
Triple room with breakfast.. € 37 a night per person
Double room with half board.. € 68 a night per person.

3) Direct flights to Marina di Campo from: Pisa, Milan, Florence, Lugano, Zurich, Hamburg, Berlin, Dusserldorf, Munich, Cologne, Bern, Friedrichshafen.

4) Full pass milongas 7 days and 7 nights… € 115,00
Full Pass milongas daily …. € 20,00
Pass milongas daily, only evening from h 21.00…. € 15

5) Two dance-floors on the beach to 800 sq.m.
- one of contemporary tango
- one of classic tango

6) Tango seminars

7) Four free technique classes for women and men;
Four free classes of pilates and muscle toning;

8) Orchestra Tango Sonos

9) TANGO DJ: Coos / Elio Astor / Susy Maurer/ Horacio Quota / TJ El Pablo / El Actor / DJ Paris / Antonino Boncoraglio / Paolo DJ / Gustavo Ros.


  • Location:
    Piombino, Italy
    Event dates:
    From: Saturday, 25 June 2016 - To: Saturday, 02 July 2016
    Piombino, Italy
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Saturday, 25 June 2016
    Event Ends: Saturday, 02 July 2016
Read 5154 times

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