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Ankara Tango Meeting

Promoted by Tangopolix


Festival and Weekender

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

Total Score

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Ankara Tango Meeting

Ankara Tango Meeting

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


05-06-07-08 Nisan 2018
Neri Piliu & Yanina Quinones (Arjantin)
Jonathan Saavedra & Clarisa Aragon (Arjantin )
Utku Küley & İris Başak Doğdu (Türkiye )
Murat Elmadağlı & Ilgın Tetikcan (Türkiye)
Guest Dancers
Selçuk Atalay & Müge Üner
Alper Maşalı & Tuğçe Gizem Certel
Muharrem Yılmazkaya &Nilay Akgün
Not: Milonga Mekanları Sonra duyurulacaktır.
Ders Programı
NY1- NERİ PİLİU & YANİNA QUİNONES = Milonga Lisa and Traspie play with tempo and double tempo
NY2 :How to do giros with elegance in milonga idance the giro for the lady and the lapis for the man
JC1 : We find our embrace: Adaptation in the embrace ,posture and intention
JC2 : Enrosques:Fundaments.Dissaciotion and Axis
NY3: Variation for the dance floor with the D'arienzo ,Laurenz and Pugliese
JC3 Vals : Characteristics Musicality and Cadence
JC4: Man Tecnic= Analysis of the movement .Lines and Dynamics
Women tecnic: The Propasal,like creating spaces within the embrace
NY4: Giros with sacadas for men and women
JC5: Dynamic Changes
NY5: Composition and Chareographic Resources

NY: Neri Piliu & Yanina Quinones
JC:Jonathan Saavedra & Clarisa Aragon

Ders Ücretler
*Paket 1 : NY2/JC1/JC3/NY4 - NY1Veya JC4 Seçmeli olmak üzere 5 dersi kapsamaktadır. Erken Kayıt 320tl /Normal Kayıt :360 tl
*Paket 2 : JC2/NY3/JC5/NY5-NY1Veya JC4 Seçmeli olmak üzere 5 dersi kapsamaktadır. Erken Kayıt 320 tl / Normal Kayıt :360 tl
*Paket 3: 3 adet JC kodunda ders-2 adet NY kodunda ders veya 3 adet NY kodunda ders-2 adet JC kodunda ders seçebilir olarak 5 dersi kapsamaktadır. Erken Kayıt :400tl/ NormalKayıt:450tl
*Paket 4 :10 dersin tamamını kapsamaktadır. Erken Kayıt :500 tl NormalKayıt:550tl
*Teknik ders :erken Kayıt 50 Normal Kayıt:60 tl
*Tek ders 100tl erken kayıt Normal kayıt 110 tl
perşembe :30tl
cuma :60 tl
cumartesi:60 tl
pazar :30tl
Milonga Full Pass:150 tl


  • Location:
    Ankara, Turkey
    Event dates:
    From: Thursday, 05 April 2018 - To: Sunday, 08 April 2018
    Ankara, Turkey
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Thursday, 05 April 2018
    Event Ends: Sunday, 08 April 2018
  • Neri Piliu
    Yanina Quiñones
    Jonathan Saavedra
    Clarisa Aragon
    Neri Piliu
    Yanina Quiñones
    Jonathan Saavedra
    Clarisa Aragon
Read 7156 times


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