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Tango Holiday and Hungarian Cuisine. Let's dance again

Tango holiday and Hungarian cuisine. Let's tango again
Promoted by Tangopolix


Ball and Uncategorised

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Tango Holiday and Hungarian Cuisine. Let's dance again

Tango Holiday and Hungarian Cuisine. Let's dance again

Tango holiday and Hungarian cuisine. Let's tango again
Tango holiday and Hungarian cuisine. Let's tango again
50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


Tango & Gastronomia ungherese??????
Lets’ tango again!!!!!!
Scroll down for English
Budapest 30 Sett. - 05. Ott., 2020
? Prenotazione con rimborso garantito al 100%!! ???
Immergiti nei sapori delle spezie della gastronomia ungherese e del tango argentino. Concediti una vacanza di 5 giorni di tango in una delle città più romantiche d’Europa ??
??? In caso il viaggio dovesse venire cancellato per cause legate al COVID-19, come lockdown nella tua nazione, lockdown in Ungheria o infezione da COVID-19 comprovata da un referto medico ufficiale – il pagamento verrà rimborsato in toto.
☝ Prenotazione fino al 15 settembre. Per gruppi di 30 persone ( in preferenza coppie con almeno 0.5 anno di pratica)
Vi offriamo diversi deliziosi pacchetti da scegliere…
? 5 notti in un albergo 4* in centro a Budapest (con colazione compresa)
? workshop giornalieri di tango con insegnanti esperti che ti guideranno nella pratica del tango.
? milongas ogni sera in scenari pittoreschi e DJ dal vivo
? scopri le bellezze di Budapest – tour della città con bus private e battello, pasti serviti in un ristorante a 5*, bagni termali, impara a fare la crepe a la Hortobagyi da uno chef e come bere Palinka nella maniera tradizionale.
Offriamo una varietà di 3 pacchetti tra cui scegliere:
? "Must have" – pernottamento con colazione, workshop, milonga.
Prezzo a testa con camera doppia condivisa: 499.- eu
Prezzo per camera singola: 834.- eu
? ? "Nice to have" - pernottamento con colazione, workshop, milonga + tour e programmi in città:
Prezzo a testa con camera doppia condivisa: 650.- eu
Prezzo per camera singola: 969.- eu
? ? ? “You have it all” – pernottamento con colazione, workshop, milonga + tour e programmi in città + programmi speciali
Prezzo a testa con camera doppia condivisa: 711.- eu
Prezzo per camera singola: 1029.- eu
Le attività verranno svolte previo raggiungimento di un numero minimo di 10 persone.
Per prenotarti o per qualsiasi altra richiesta o domanda clicca su questo link.
Tango 2 Vacation
Embrace the experience! ?
Tango & Hungarian Cuisine??????
Lets’ tango again!!!!!!
Budapest 30.Sept - 05.Oct. 2020
? Booking with 100% money-back guarantee!! ???
Indulge yourself in the spices of the Hungarian cuisine and flavour of the Argentine tango. Have a holiday of 5 days of full tango experience in one of the most romantic city of Europe. ??
??? In case of cancellation due to the COVID-19 virus – ie.: lockdown in your country, lockdown in Hungary, infection by COVID- 19 proven by medical report – your full payment for the trip to be returned.
☝ Booking until the 15.of September for 30 people (preferably for couples with at least 6 months dance experience)
We offer you a delicious holiday with …
? 5 nights in a 4* hotel in downtown Budapest (breakfast included)
? daily tango workshops with highly skilled teachers to guide your dance experience
? local milongas every night on different scenic locations and live DJs
? discover the beauty of Budapest – city touring by a private bus & boat, fine dining in a 5* restaurant, Turkish baths, learn to make Hortobágyi pancake from a chef and how to drink Pálinka in a historical way.
We offer a variety of 3 different holiday packages
? "Must have" package – accommodation with breakfast, workshops, milongas
Per person sharing a double room: 499.- EU
Per person in a single room: 834.- EU
? ? "Nice to have" package – accommodation with breakfast, workshops, milongas + tours and entertainment in the city
Per person sharing a double room: 650.- EU
Per person in a single room: 969.- EU
? ? ? “You have it all” package – accommodation with breakfast, workshops, milongas + tours and activities in the city + special programs
Per person sharing a double room: 711.- EU
Per person in a single room: 1029.- EU
Tour is organized if registration number has reached 10 people.
For registration and for any questions please click on this link.
Tango 2 Vacation
Embrace the experience! ?


  • Location:
    Budapest, Hungary
    Event dates:
    From: Wednesday, 30 September 2020 - To: Monday, 05 October 2020
    Budapest, Hungary
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Wednesday, 30 September 2020
    Event Ends: Monday, 05 October 2020
  • Number of Participants:
    30 dancers
    Number of Participants:
    30 dancers
  • Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - by invitation only
    Registration Opens:
    Tuesday, 28 July 2020
    Registration Closes:
    Tuesday, 15 September 2020
    Is registration required prior to the event?
    Required - by invitation only
    Registration Opens:
    Tuesday, 28 July 2020
    Registration Closes:
    Tuesday, 15 September 2020
  • Accommodation:
Read 5140 times Last modified on Monday, 14 September 2020 20:18



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