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Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
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50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


20 hour of technique, musicality and choreografy with experienced teachers of Tango Milonguero. Every night salon. Every day wonderful food, siestas in the lovely garden, swimming in a nearby lake, daytrips to ancient cities, strolling at brocantes etc etc.

This is the 9th year we teach a summerweek in "La Milonga"!

We aim for an advanced group of dancers.
If you dance since quite some years but you feel something is missing... this is the place to be to deepen your tango-experience ánd knowledge. If you have any questions, please let us know, we answer you gladly.

Martin Ottmers (Bonn)
Teacher of Tango Milonguero since 15 years
Organizer of salon A los Amigos /
Corine Groenewegen (Amsterdam)
Teacher of Tango Milonguero since 16 years
Organizer of Salon La Bruja /
Organizer of Encuentro Porteño /

Corine about Martin:
“Martin and me met around 20 years ago. When we danced in the milongas Martin always impressed me. He was, and is, an extreemly good milonguero dancer, one of the few that I had met so far outside of Buenos Aires. And.... he also made me laugh, a lot!! In the middle of a tanda he would ask: “Did you know that the singer Maure is a boxer?”.... or “Do you know how the piano player died? In a plane crash”..... Martins encyclopedic knowledge indeed is huge and inspiring.
Since 2007 we started to teach together. Our collaboration worked easily from the very first moment. Through the years we keep inspiring each other and that that lasts up till today.
Martin is a true master in tango “milonguero”. He makes his students understand what that means and how to get there. His classes about musicality are undoubtly the best you can get. In the end what gives your dance meaning is when you understand how to dance to THE music.
Another feature that is so great about Martins personality. He LOVES to dance. In a milonga he hardly sits one tanda and therefore he makes many dancers happy in one night. If he does take a break at all it is because he is opening a bottle of champagne that he most likely wants to share with you. Because it takes two to tango ☺”

Martin about Corine:
"Corine has been at the heart of Amsterdam tango for over 20 years, promoting, teaching, inviting high profile milonguero maestros and organising milonga 'La Bruja' since 2007.

Corine combines everything a good teacher needs: Knowledge, experience, enthusiasm. Her knowledge is formed by twenty years experience of learning, dancing and teaching as well as regular and extensive visits to Buenos Aires. Her reflections on tango combine technical precision with vivid imaginativeness. In her teaching, she focuses on dancing as a dialogue, works on male and female roles and she uses her broad knowledge about the human body, coming from her profession as a homeopath. But above all is her enthusiasm: She really believes in her students and in her warm and inspiring way she gives confidence in each one's own abilities. Corine is a true ambassador of the joy of dancing. Finally: The results of her teaching are always impressively successful!"

More information updated soon!

Abrazo Milonguero,
Martin & Corine


  • Location:
    Jeantes, France
    Event dates:
    From: Saturday, 13 August 2016 - To: Saturday, 20 August 2016
    Jeantes, France
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Saturday, 13 August 2016
    Event Ends: Saturday, 20 August 2016
Read 5258 times


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