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Tango Encantado Encuentro Milonguero

Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Tango Encantado Encuentro Milonguero

Tango Encantado Encuentro Milonguero

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings



Aprite gli occhi
...ogni desiderio diventa realtà

450 m² di parquet nella moderna sala da ballo "Teatro Magno" di CASTELBRANDO
Fino a 350 ballerini da tutto il mondo
25 ore di musica incantata per ballare dal Venerdì pomeriggio alla Domenica notte
Cinque TDJ internazionali provenienti da Gran Bretagna, Francia e Italia
Bar & Ristorante-Pizzeria funzionante tutto il giorno e fino a notte fonda
Coffee Break dolce (caffè, tè, dolci, frutta...) al Venerdì, Sabato e Domenica pomeriggio, con cameriere
Midnight Buffet salato composto, in forma esemplificativa, da succhi, soft drink, tramezzininetti, focaccia, crostini caldi, sfogliatine, tostini..., al Venerdì, Sabato e Domenica (Domenica anticipato alle ore 21:30), sempre con cameriere
Alloggio: 80 eleganti camere, suite e appartamenti ubicati in tre contesti diversi e di grande fascino, oppure splendidi B&B
Ingresso al centro benessere (SPA) in un turno di 2h30 riservato ai Milongueri​
Visita guidata al Castello​
Tessera Soci "EL CHOCLO Embrace club"
Condizioni di miglior favore riservate ai Milongueri:
Punto BAR aperto anche tutta la notte, costo al consumo per quanto non compreso nei coffe break e Midnight Buffet
Sconto del 10% per cena o pranzo "à la carte" al "Ristorante-Pizzeria Fucina"
La registrazione inizierà il 4 Giugno 2018 ore 21:00
Tango Encantado

*** Il pacchetto e’ unico, non e’ possibile accedere in forma parziale all’evento ***

Venerdì 12 Ottobre 2018
15:00 UP Benvenuto e Registrazione Ospiti Milongueri
17:00 - 18:00 Light Coffee Break dolce
19: 00 - 21:30 pausa cena nel Ristorante-Pizzeria "Fucina"
21:30 - 03:00 Milonga di Benvenuto Tdj Davide Piubello (I)
Midnight Benvenuto Ufficiale
Midnight Buffet in Castello
Sabato 13 Ottobre 2018
12:00 - 13:00 Visita guidata al castello
14:00 -19:00 Milonga Tdj Fabiola Loik (I)
17:00 -18:00 Coffee Break Dolce
19:00 - 21:30 pausa cena nel Ristorante-Pizzeria "Fucina"
21:30 - 03:00 Milonga Tdj David Alvarez (F) Midnight Buffet in Castello
Domenica 14 Ottobre 2018
12:00 - 13:00 Visita guidata al castello
13:00 -18:00 Milonga dell'Arrivederci Tdj David Thomas (GB)
16:00 -17:00 Coffee Break Dolce
18:00 - 19:30 pausa cena nel Ristorante-Pizzeria "Fucina"
19:30 - 01:00 Milonga dei saluti Tdj Paola Nocitango (I) Midnight Buffet in Castello



Open your eyes
... every desire becomes reality

450 m² of parquet in the modern "Teatro Magno" ballroom of CASTELBRANDO
Up to 350 dancers from all over the world
25 hours of enchanted music to dance from Friday afternoon to Sunday night
Five international TDJs from Great Britain, France and Italy
Bar & Restaurant-Pizzeria working all day and late at night
Sweet coffee break (coffee, tea, pastries, fruit ...) to Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon, with waiter
Midnight Salty buffet composed, in an exemplary form, by juices, soft drinks, sandwiches, flat bread, hot croutons, savoury pie, small toast ..., on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Sunday early at 21:30), always with waiter
Accommodation: 80 elegant rooms, suites and apartments located in three different and fascinating settings, or beautiful B&B
Entrance to the SPA & Wellness in a shift of 2h30 reserved for Milongueri
Guided tour of the Castle
​Membership Card "EL CHOCLO Embrace club"
best favor conditions reserved for Milongueri:
BAR point open all night, cost the consumer as far as not included in the coffee break and Midnight Buffet
10% discount for lunch or dinner "à la carte" to "Ristorante-Pizzeria Fucina"
Registration will start June 4th, 2018 at 09:00 p.m.
Tango Encantado

*** The package is unique, it is not possible to partially access the event ***

Friday, October 12th , 2018
03:00 p.m. UP Welcome and Registration Milongueri Guests
05:00 - 06:00 p.m. Light Sweet coffee break
07: 00 - 09:30 p.m. dinner break in the Restaurant-Pizzeria
09:30 - 03:00 a.m. Welcome Milonga Tdj Davide Piubello (I)
Midnight Official Welcome
Midnight Buffet in the Castle
Saturday, October 13th, 2018
12:00 - 01:00 p.m. Guided tour of the castle
02:00 - 07:00 p.m. Milonga Tdj Fabiola Loik (I)
05:00 - 06:00 p.m. Light Sweet coffee break
07:00 - 09:30 p.m. dinner break in the Restaurant-Pizzeria
09:30 - 03:00 a.m. Milonga Tdj David Alvarez (F) Midnight Buffet in the Castle
Domenica 14 Ottobre 2018
12:00 - 01:00 p.m. Guided tour of the castle
01:00 - 06:00 p.m. greetings's Milonga Tdj David Thomas (GB)
04:00 - 05:00 p.m.Light Sweet coffee break
06:00 - 07:30 p.m. dinner break in the Restaurant-Pizzeria
07:30 - 01:00 a.m. see you soon MilongaTdj Paola
Nocitango (I)
Midnight Buffet in the Castle

Via Brandolini,29
31030 Cison di Valmarino (TV) ITALY


  • Location:
    Cison di Valmarino, Italy
    Event dates:
    From: Friday, 12 October 2018 - To: Sunday, 14 October 2018
    Cison di Valmarino, Italy
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Friday, 12 October 2018
    Event Ends: Sunday, 14 October 2018
Read 6635 times


1 comment

  • Comment Link Jo Hart

    Is registration open for couples? The button for registration is not working , the web page is not linking and I can find no details how to contact you! Recommended event and I am interested!

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