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Bergen Embrace III Tres esquinas

Promoted by Tangopolix


Marathon and Encuentro

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 50% - 1 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 50% - 1 votes
Music & DJs: 50% - 1 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 50% - 1 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 0 votes

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Bergen Embrace III Tres esquinas

Bergen Embrace III Tres esquinas

50 out of 100 with 4 ratings


We are euphoric and overjoyed to announce the third edition of Bergen Embrace! In a city rumored for its many rainy days, your chances to see the sun at this time of the year are in fact pretty good. In any case, anyone who says sunshine brings happiness, has never danced in the rain! We advise you to take some extra days to explore Bergen, the fjords and other spectacular pieces of Norwegian nature. And you don't want to miss the Monday epically special after-event: La Fiordlonga!

The registration is not based on first come first served, so no stress or fixed opening hour. We will process all registrations submitted in the first three days, on an equal basis.

Tango Abrazo strives for an inclusive environment where all members and visitors treat each other with respect. Bergen Embrace is role balanced. Dual role dancers and leaders and followers of all genders and ages are warmly welcome.

We also want to point your attention to our sister event Embrace Norway, taking place in Lillehammer the weekend after. Why not go for the Tuesday afterparty in Bergen, and continue dancing in Lillehammer at the Thursday preparty? Which will give you a day for traveling and seeing some nature, culture or both. More information later, on travel routes from Bergen to Lillehammer, and possibly also on a high-mountain Wednesday milonga on the way (if enough interest).

Bergen Embrace takes place in Grand Hotel Terminus’ large wooden floor hall, located in the centre of Bergen. Participants may choose to sleep and eat at this hotel, or at Zander K next door (same owners), or in a variety of reasonably priced accommodation and culinary options nearby. Norway has a reputation for being expensive, which is sadly true. However, if you stay away from fancy cocktails, foie gras, polar bear meat and powerful non-electric cars, you'll be fine.

PROGRAM (changes might occur):

Thursday June 27th, PREPARTY: Tango Abrazo (Jekteviken 5)
20-01: DJ Bogdan Ududec, Bergen (Norway)

Friday June 28th, Hall Terminus
14-18: DJ Jonny Kvamme, Bergen (Norway)
21-02: DJ Céline Devèze, Grasse (France)

Saturday June 29th, Hall Terminus
14-18: DJ Ricardo Peixoto, Nottingham (UK)
21-02: DJ Aurélien Niort, Nantes (France)

Sunday June 30th, Hall Terminus
14-18: DJ Pared de Piedra, Bergen (Norway)
21-02: DJ Nataliya Zavadskaya, Odessa (Ukraine)

Monday July 1st, "FIORDLONGA" (open for all)
1200-1330 Boat trip (registration only)
1330-1430 Light meal
1430-2030 DJ Irma Gross, Basel (Switzerland)

Tuesday July 2nd, Tango Abrazo (Jekteviken 5)
19-23: AFTERPARTY (open for all)
DJ Michael Lavocah, Norwich (UK)

This is a role-balanced event (except for the open milongas on Monday and Tuesday) for close-embrace lovers, where we use mirada/cabeceo and clear the floor and change partner during cortinas. You may sit wherever you like. Smiling is encouraged and assumed to happen frequently.

The price, NOK 1000 (about €105), includes eight milongas; six at the Hotel Grand Terminus plus Thursday's preparty and Tuesday's afterparty. Free coffee, tea and some snacks provided.

There will be approximately 150 dancers for the Friday-Sunday main event. To assure role balance, we encourage registration in pairs. There will also be a single and dual role registration option, and we will match leaders and followers as far as we can. Based on experience, however, very few leaders register single. So try to pair up, please. It's a cruel world, we know...

The registration is not based on first come first served, but on dance generosity and experience, geographical diversity, and recommendations by common friends whose judgement we trust.

Abrazos from Tango Abrazo's fabulous Bergen Embrace team


  • Location:
    Bergen, Norway
    Event dates:
    From: Thursday, 27 June 2019 - To: Tuesday, 02 July 2019
    Bergen, Norway
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Thursday, 27 June 2019
    Event Ends: Tuesday, 02 July 2019
Read 6731 times


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