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Melbourne Baldosa Tango Festival

Dance Live Music
Promoted by Tangopolix


Ball and Uncategorised

Atmosphere (people's friendliness, number of dancers, fun): 40% - 2 votes
Organisation ( venues, comfort, schedule ): 31% - 2 votes
Artists ( shows, workshops, DJs ): 32.5% - 2 votes
Dancing ( level, etiquette, leader/follower ratio): 27.5% - 2 votes
Would you come back or recommend? - 1 votes

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Melbourne Baldosa Tango Festival

Melbourne Baldosa Tango Festival

Dance Live Music
Dance Live Music
33 out of 100 with 8 ratings


The first edition of the 'Baldosa Tango Festival' brings together some of the most active dancers and teachers in the Melbourne Tango Community to showcase their skills and celebrate their different styles.

The ‘Baldosa Festival’ takes on the fascinating challenge of dancing Tango in a small space - the ‘Baldosa’ being typically associated with a 1x1 mt square - and combines it with Buenos Aires Street Tango/Live Music tradition to create a stimulating platform for innovative interpretations of the genre.

Within the spatial constraints of the ‘Baldosa’ couples are called to engage creatively with footwork, musicality, the embrace and other key elements of Tango. Performances will offer the public a unique opportunity to witness the powerful combination of improvised dance and live music. Each couple will interpret one song. There will be social dancing before, between and after performances.

Category 1: tango dancers and/or teachers

David Backler & Dianne Heywood-Smith

Christian Drogo & Vanessa Andean

Nadim Sawaya & Rina Sawaya

Hernan Hernandez & Marce Ospina

Eddie Perez & Teresa Lavers

Jake Hart & Bex Wong

Category 2: outsiders

Kristian Wasilewski & Natasha Eracleous

A special live music ensemble has been formed for the ‘Baldosa Festival’ bringing together band leaders / arrangers / performers from different traditions - but united by a desire to develop a contemporary Tango vibe and sound for Melbourne.

Elian Sellanes: keyboard
Elian is an Argentine music composer, performer and producer with international experience in Tango shows 

Dave Evans: piano accordion
Dave is a renowned Melbourne based performer - member of Tango Mundo  and founder of the Band Who Knew Too Much

Dave Dzanovski: electric guitar
Dave is a Melbourne based rock/pop performer founder of Neon City

Juan Veron: guest singer
Juan is from Buenos Aires and has co-founded Melbourne Tango ensemble La Busca Leona

This inedit ensemble will offer a repertoire of everlasting Tango Classics combined with a few jewels from Piazzolla’s New Tango.

9pm-midnight: dance performances and social dancing with live music and Dj “The Alchemist”

This year the ‘Melbourne Baldosa Tango Festival’ will be hosted by Bar Oussou, a funky world music venue based in Brunswick. The choice of a non-typical Tango venue is aimed to take dancers out of their “comfort zone” and stimulate interaction with a wider public.

The Baldosa Tango Festival will be anticipated from 6 to 9pm by dance social Tango Chillout

Price: 15$ (including entry to "Tango Chillout" 6-9pm)


  • Location:
    Brunswick, Australia
    Event dates:
    From: Saturday, 23 April 2016 - To: Sunday, 24 April 2016
    Brunswick, Australia
    Event dates:
    Event Starts: Saturday, 23 April 2016
    Event Ends: Sunday, 24 April 2016
Read 4034 times


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